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already 200.000+ players
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already 200.000+ players

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Original TOSSIT game Blue-Yellow
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
35.99 €,42.90 €,26.99 €
CHF 38.90,CHF 45.90,CHF 28.90
34.90 €,42.90 €,25.90 €
299 kr.,349 kr.,219 kr.
29.99 €,42.90 €,26.99 €
35.90 €,42.90 €,25.90 €
14390 Ft,17550 Ft,10390 Ft
29.99 €,42.90 €,26.99 €
499 kr.,589 kr.,359 kr.
36.99 €,42.90 €,27.99 €
RON 184,RON 220,RON 134
499 kr.,589 kr.,359 kr.
Limited Edition - Original Orange
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
18.99 €
CHF 19.99
18.99 €
149 kr.
18.99 €
18.99 €
7490 Ft
18.99 €
219 kr.
18.99 €
RON 94
219 kr.
Limited Edition - Sunflower
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
18.99 €
CHF 19.99
18.99 €
149 kr.
18.99 €
18.99 €
7490 Ft
18.99 €
219 kr.
18.99 €
RON 94
219 kr.
Original TOSSIT game Red-Cyan
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
35.99 €,42.90 €,26.99 €
CHF 38.90,CHF 45.90,CHF 28.90
34.90 €,42.90 €,25.90 €
299 kr.,349 kr.,219 kr.
29.99 €,42.90 €,26.99 €
35.90 €,42.90 €,25.90 €
14390 Ft,17550 Ft,10390 Ft
29.99 €,42.90 €,26.99 €
499 kr.,589 kr.,359 kr.
36.99 €,42.90 €,27.99 €
RON 184,RON 220,RON 134
499 kr.,589 kr.,359 kr.

What our players say

and we did not ask them to say so, neither pay them. We've just got the best players on earth and we're super proud of that. 😇 Check the wall of review here.

"Gift made for my man's birthday and he is very satisfied. The next day we took him to a wedding to show him around. Very fun, even children can play, you just have to get the hang of throwing them."

Maïté M.


"Nothing beats the original game, once you've tested the other models.
Go for it with your eyes closed"

Lê Yoann


"Super fun and an infinite number of variations
A surprising and inventive product for hours and hours of fun.
Young and old alike will be delighted with the rules 😉.
I highly recommend this product."

Julien Prouteau


"Bought a little while ago after a video, this is the game of the moment. When the weather's fine, play on the patio windows or tiled floor, or if it's raining, go home and play on the tiled floor in the living room or the dining room table. A super-simple game for young and old alike. The game is ready in 1 minute! Ideal for keeping kids and adults busy at the aperitif."



"I bought this product in 2 copies and 2 colours after seeing an advert on social networks. Can be played anywhere, adults, children, outside on a table inside on the tiles. The rules are simple and a storage bag is included."



"I was lucky enough to bump into one of the founders in an office in Paris. He showed me how to hold the Tossit properly on the back and I stuck the first jabs!!! 😃 Since then I've been playing with brothers-in-law, parents-in-law and work colleagues. I even had to place a group order for everyone. 😂 "



"I've been thinking about buying this game for a while. And I've finally snapped it up! If I'd known, I would have done it sooner. Very user-friendly and really sticks to a lot of surfaces. Everything you need to have a great time! On your TOSSIT 🎯 "



"A very good quality game (the arrows seem strong, the suction cup works well). Whether it's the quality, packaging or sturdiness, I highly recommend this product. And compared to other similar products, this one doesn't use any plastic packaging and is Superflu "



"Received today and already tested 100% satisfied Great original We had a good laugh Family of 3 children aged 7, 9 and 11, all succeeded better than me! Little plus with the bag to tidy up afterwards."



"After seeing it on the internet, I was very quickly tempted to buy it so that we could play some good games together, with our daughters and friends. It's not as easy as all that at first, you need a bit of help... but you soon get the hang of it. Great product, you can tell it's quality. Very nice choice of colours and the little box and carry bag are perfect for taking it everywhere. I'm really pleased with my purchase ... I'll definitely be buying another one to play with several people. "



"Great game, you can play anywhere! And unlike the dart, you can stay under it. You can play : On the car, on a table, on a chopping board, on a mirror ... There's no age limit, our children play and love it too! We're ready to buy another box. 🙂"



"Great game, we can play everywhere, inside or outside when the weather is bad. Just great and top quality."

Vanessa MURAT


"Really great. I tried it at a friend's house and just fell for it. Very easy. Even my 6 and 10 year old nieces can do it. It's easy to hold and the darts are quite big, which is better than other games. I fully recommend it!"



"Great game, unanimously approved last weekend by friends 👍🏻👍🏻 Ordered during the week, received 2 days early 👌🏻 It made our weekend all over again. Once you've got the right gesture to launch it, it's nothing but fun 😄"

Amazon customer


Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
CARDON Vincent
27 septembre 2023
Le top!

On joue de partout mais Que sur les surfaces lisses !! Le top

4 octobre 2023

Le concept est vraiment sympas ça change des jeux qu'on trouve dans le commerce habituellement. Colle super bien sûr les vitres et le carrelage !

5 septembre 2023
Très bon achat

A la réception on se dit que le prix est excessif pour ce qu’on reçoit et on lance une partie et là c’est top…pas de règles compliquées,on peut jouer partout avec tout le monde donc finalement très bon achat aucun regret et vaut finalement son prix car super fun et de bonne qualité.

J. S.
12 April 2023
Spaß und Qualität, die überzeugt!

Ich habe es aus von einem Freund aus Frankreich geschenkt bekommen und bin absolut begeistert! Es macht super viel Spaß zu spielen, egal ob drinnen oder draußen, mit Freunden oder Familie. Ein Mix aus Dart und Boccia. Sehr gut verarbeitet und verpackt. Auch langlebig und umweltfreundlich, da aus Silikon. Absolute Weiterempfehlung!

coic catherine
27 octobre 2023
Super jeu ça a plu a tout le monde !

Super jeu, idéal pour l’hiver !

14 septembre 2023
Simple et amusant

Se joue comme une pétanque mais avec toute surface lisse. Ludique, les enfants adorent déjà. Ne prend pas de place, Idéale aussi pour les grands pendant l'apéro ;)

Jugendhaus Woodstock
11 September 2023
So Funny & Top Qualität! Absolut empfehlenswert

Tossit ist so ein cooles Spiel und die Qualität der Spielfiguren ist richtig gut. Unsere Jugendlichen lieben es und würden es jedem weiterempfehlen.

United States
October 31, 2023
This game is super satisfying

Bought a set for myself and gave the second set to my friend. Feels great in hand with a matte finish and the sound they make when sticking to a surface is LOUD! Like a satisfying Chris Rock getting slapped by Will Smith loud. 10/10 recommend for drinking games as well

28 septembre 2023
Très sympa

Idée de cadeau parfait

United States
November 2, 2023
Amazing quality, very fun to play

I was super impressed by how high quality these are. They're firm and feel very good to play! It's the perfect party game, me and my friends had a great time playing together.

3 septembre 2023
Jeu pour passer des super soirée entre amis

Il faut trouver une bonne surface et trouver le coup de main,les règles de base sont simple et facile à utiliser, cela fait 2 ou 3 weekend que nous y jouons avec plusieurs amis différents et tout le monde à adoré

Helena H.
5 August 2023
Super Spiel

einfaches und spaßiges Spiel 👍🏻kann ich nur jedem empfehlen. Es sind hochwertige Silikonpfeile mit Saugnapf und ein Stoffbeutel enthalten. Macht alles einen guten und stabilen Eindruck. Funktioniert ähnlich wie Boccia nur zum werfen. Das tolle : überall unterwegs auf glatten Oberflächen möglich. Auchz.n. an der Scheibe beim Auto, glatter Boden etc. Auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert, auch gut zum verschenken

payet jeremy
3 septembre 2023
Excellent jeu

C'est un jeu vraiment super ,pour des soirées entre amis ou avec les enfants. Je recommande fortement

24 septembre 2023
Tous TOSSIT 🤩🎯

J'étais dubitatif quant à son prix, mais dès les 1ères parties, mes doutes se sont envolés. Concept ludique innovant, se joue comme une pétanque avec la possibilité de l'utiliser sur n'importe quelle surface lisse. Les enfants en sont déjà fans et son design compact permet de le transporter facilement. Parfait pour divertir les adultes lors des apéritifs [...]

Caleb Crowley
United States
November 2, 2023
Super fun game

I always like winning bragging rights, so another game that let's me feel cool sometimes? Definitely a worthwhile purchase.

Luigi Balconi
13 de septiembre de 2023

Ottimo passatempo da usare OVUNQUE ci sia un piano orizzontale liscio…🔝

13 octobre 2023
Très bien livré avec un sac où il y a la notice

Très bien, après avoir compris la technique de lancé c'est top. Se détache facilement. Recu très tardivement, la livraison par colis privé à été folklorique ! Je laisse quand même 5 étoiles

Dulac Julien
13 septembre 2023
Super amusant

Ce jeu est original, colle très bien même après plusieurs utilisations sur toutes surface lisse. Qualitatif ça ne prend pas de place dans le sac et se range rapidement et facilement. Seul bémol je trouve le prix du produit un peu élevé

26 octobre 2023
Produit fidèle à la description

Très bon produit, reçu rapidement, je recommande sans hésiter !

Recent products

Limited Edition - Lavender
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
18.99 €
CHF 19.99
18.99 €
149 kr.
18.99 €
18.99 €
7490 Ft
18.99 €
219 kr.
18.99 €
RON 94
219 kr.
Limited Edition - Mint
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
18.99 €
CHF 19.99
18.99 €
149 kr.
18.99 €
18.99 €
7490 Ft
18.99 €
219 kr.
18.99 €
RON 94
219 kr.
Limited Edition - Peach
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
18.99 €
CHF 19.99
18.99 €
149 kr.
18.99 €
18.99 €
7490 Ft
18.99 €
219 kr.
18.99 €
RON 94
219 kr.
Limited Edition - Original Orange
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
18.99 €
CHF 19.99
18.99 €
149 kr.
18.99 €
18.99 €
7490 Ft
18.99 €
219 kr.
18.99 €
RON 94
219 kr.

Once we asked our players what they thought about the quality of our suction cup darts.

"These things s*ck harder than your mom."

Well, we won't ask twice.

Hey, subscribe to get 5 to 15% off + 2 chances a week to win a free set.

One last thing. We proudly invented and designed TOSSIT in France, in Annecy to be exact. Our products have to be as sustainable as fun and we work with local teams to spread that fun everywhere. Join us on our mission to entertain everyone!